Why Missionaries Are Leaving the Field

It should come as no surprise that missionaries face a lot of challenges when they enter the mission field. Most often, the missionaries are aware of these potential difficulties and are prepared, to some extent, to navigate them. However, in some cases, certain challenges may not be expected or prepared for, and missionaries may struggle to walk through difficult circumstances while trying to minister to a community. 

Expected Challenges

When missionaries go through training before entering the field, they are given a good idea of what difficulties to expect. 

Conflict with Others

Regardless of how long someone has been a missionary, how many other people they are serving with, and how familiar they are with the culture they’re immersing themselves in, conflict is inevitable. It’s cited as the number one reason missionaries leave the field, but with proper conflict resolution skills, an expectation that it will arise, and a commitment to overcome it, it doesn’t have to be the undoing of a missionary. 


Being a missionary is incredibly rewarding and fulfilling, but it’s also quite stressful at times. Adapting to a new living environment, feeling defeated in your work, and more can lead to stress. Ensuring a missionary has mentors and stress management techniques in place is the best way to combat this issue before it even begins. 


No matter how committed a person is to serving the Lord, sin is always a concern. Particularly in a new place with new experiences, sin can sneak in and overtake even the strongest missionaries. Going into the field with a battle-focused mindset will help individuals combat sin and recognize it for what it is. 

Unexpected Challenges

While all of the above are things that every missionary can expect to face, there are some other things that they may not be as prepared to navigate. These unexpected challenges should be explored as soon as they arise, if not before, and a plan should be put in place to handle them appropriately. 

Pressure to Perform

Everyone wants to be successful in whatever field they’re in, but missionaries may feel an intense pressure to perform well in their roles. Sharing the good news with unreached people groups is incredibly important, but it can also be incredibly difficult. Even the strongest and most experienced missionaries can succumb to the pressure to perform if they are not prepared for how to handle it. 


Most missionaries are naturally pretty humble–they likely wouldn’t be missionaries if they were full of pride. But being in a new place and struggling to get your message across can lead to frustration that brings about resentment and pride. Feeling like you’re doing a great job but that people just aren’t responding well can bring about some big struggles, and humility can be hard to grasp at those times. 

Schooling for Children

While older missionaries with families typically have an educational plan for their children, younger missionaries often do not. If you enter the mission field without children, you likely aren’t thinking about schooling options for future kids. But this is a huge challenge for many, particularly in Africa. Very few schools in remote villages provide a quality education, and many of them are founded on religious principles that don’t align with Christianity. This can lead not only to confusion for the kids, but also persecution and mistreatment. 

Hope Academy is proud to partner with SEND56 to help missionaries be as prepared as possible for all the challenges they may face in the field. We long to keep those passionate about sharing the gospel healthy and happy so that they can continue doing the work God has called them to do, all without having to worry about their children’s education, stress, conflict, and more. To learn more about Hope Academy International and to get involved with our mission, connect with us on Facebook, check out our website, or donate through Tithely.