Hope Academy Curriculum 

Our goal at Hope Academy is to become the best school in all of Africa. In addition to meeting the needs of underserved people and offering a quality educational experience for all of our students, we also aim to provide a well-rounded, comprehensive curriculum that educates the whole child and prepares them for their futures beyond school. Each curriculum program we utilize not only meets the standards of the country the children reside in, but they also teach them even more. We go above and beyond to help students build strong foundations and excel on their national exams so they can continue their education into high school and beyond. Here is a breakdown of each different curriculum program we use and how they help students thrive both in school and beyond. 


Our English curriculum is a UK-based program that helps students become proficient in English, including in speaking, reading, and writing. We aim to help our students become fluent speakers and establish strong language foundations so that they can build on them in the future. 


Our math curriculum is also UK-based, and it was designed with the intention of sparking creativity, excitement, and innovation in students. It’s meant to nurture confidence in math basics, encourage critical thinking, improve problem-solving, and more. 


We utilize a Ugandan-based phonics curriculum that builds proficiency in basic phonics skills, giving kids the best chance at mastering language, reading, and writing skills from an early age. 


Another Ugandan-based curriculum, our science program teaches students all about agriculture. Its goal is to prepare students to work in agriculture within their country, as this rapidly-growing industry is also pivotal in improving the lives of Africans in nearly every community across the continent. 

Christian Religious Education (CRE)

As a faith-based school, Hope Academy utilizes a Ugandan curriculum to teach our students the basics of Christian education. This helps them be prepared for their national exams and gives them a foundation in Christian truths. 


Going beyond the basics of CRE, our US-based curriculum teaches more advanced Biblical principles and explores the life of Jesus, teaching children what they need to know to live, love, and act like Jesus. 


Our Ugandan-based curriculum teaches students creativity and expression through art. They utilize resources available in their particular regions and learn basic artistic principles and techniques to express themselves and interact with their worlds. 


Music instruction, particularly in young children, has countless benefits in the areas of brain development, language skills, speech perception, and reading ability. Our US-based music curriculum teaches students foundational music skills and encourages self-expression through music.

Physical Education

With an online-based format, students will learn about the importance of staying active and will participate in various physical activities. They will enhance their balance, strength, and coordination through fun and engaging movements and exercises. 


As an essential skill for everyone to master, handwriting instruction is approached with a positive attitude and growth mindset. Our US-based handwriting curriculum addresses all types of learners and helps improve fine motor skills, spatial awareness, and more. 


Our comprehensive health curriculum approaches wellness from a personal and social perspective. It instructs students on taking care of their bodies, connecting with themselves and others, mental health awareness, and how to face and overcome challenges. 


It is with great joy that we implement each of these curriculum programs, as each was handpicked by our educators, board members, and school leaders. We believe in the efficacy of each program to meet the children where they are and to instruct them as individual people who will one day contribute to their own communities. Our comprehensive approach to education helps students achieve well beyond the minimum standards in each country, and we are grateful for the opportunity to serve these future leaders and meet a big need in this amazing place. 

Won’t you join us in preparing these children for their very bright futures? Help us create change in Africa for generations by giving today through Tithely on our website. You can contribute a one-time gift or sign up for monthly giving to ensure your ongoing impact. 


Access to Education in Africa

Africa as a whole has struggled with education, both in terms of enrollment and overall quality, for many decades. While enrollment throughout the continent is on the rise, there are still significant disparities and dysfunctions within the educational system that are causing many short-term and long-term problems across all African countries. 

Staggering Statistics

It is estimated that around 60% of African teens between the ages of 15 and 17 are not currently in school. Around one-third of 12- to 14-year-olds are not in school, and about one-fifth of kids 6 to 11 are not in school. Only about 6% of all African students will ever enroll in some form of tertiary education, such as college, vocational school, trade school, or technical training school. 

There are currently around 128 million school-aged children across the continent, but a staggering 17 million of them will never attend a single day of school in their lifetimes. If they do attend, the quality of education they’re getting is likely to be low, and it is not considered to be effective at preparing them for real life. Of those that are consistently attending classes, only about 18% reach levels of minimum proficiency in math and reading, while most students fail to reach even that. 


Many cite teacher quality as a primary problem, and it does certainly play a role. Not only are teachers expected to teach children from many different age groups at the same time, but they also have little to no resources, such as safe school buildings with desks, chairs, and running water. They also often receive little support from the community, although they are expected to ensure learning continuity and educational growth. In 2019, only about 65% of teachers in sub-Saharan Africa met the minimum qualifications to teach, leaving educational quality something to be questioned.

Creating a Solution

Hope Academy International is seeking to create a solution to meet the educational needs of Africans. Aimed at supporting the children of local African missionaries, Hope Academy will provide students with a high-quality education and a connection to well-trained teachers both locally and abroad. Computers, books, supplies, and internet access will be provided to each student in their individual locations so that their parents can continue to serve the local communities wherever they are. Hope Academy is developing and utilizing curriculum programs that aim to educate the whole child, including providing academic knowledge, life skills, and preparation for a career. 

Join Our Cause 

As Hope Academy creates an educational opportunity to change the lives of Africans, we encourage you to come alongside us in our journey. We covet your prayers as we develop the best possible curriculum to serve our students well and as we seek the best teachers to join our cause to transform the educational atmosphere of the entire continent.