What Is It Like Being a Missionary Kid?

A missionary kid, sometimes referred to as an “MK,” describes children of Christian missionaries. These children may grow up in a foreign country and live in various communities while their parents serve as missionaries. Missionary kids have unique experiences and challenges as they grow up in different cultures and communities, learning to adapt to a variety of languages, customs, and traditions. While missionary kids may face difficulties, they also develop a strong sense of adaptability, cross-cultural awareness, and respect for others. Here’s what it’s like being a missionary kid, including both the challenges and the benefits.

What It’s Like to Be Raised by Missionaries

Being a missionary kid might mean you grow up in a different culture than that of your parents and extended family. You may have to learn new languages, try new foods, and experience new cultures and customs. Children raised by missionaries also have the unique opportunity of watching their parents emulate different forms of service and ministry over the years. Missionary kids can often feel like they live in between worlds, with extended family living in one place and their parents establishing relationships and community in another. Despite the challenges of missionary life, missionary kids get to experience firsthand the impact that missions can have in the lives of others.

Challenges of Being a Missionary Kid

While being part of a missionary family can mean exploring new cultures and countries, there are some challenges of being a missionary kid.


Being away from extended family and friends from back home can be difficult for missionary kids and their families. Homesickness is a common challenge for kids of missionaries, and finding ways to stay connected with loved ones while building relationships within the local community can help ease the discomfort.

New Language & Culture

Navigating a new culture can seem daunting when you first step into a new country or an unfamiliar community. Learning a new language in a place with its own customs and traditions can be an adjustment for missionary kids and their parents, too.

Access to Quality Education

Some areas may not have access to quality education for missionary kids, or the schools in the communities may not look kindly on those of the Christian faith. In these instances, it can be difficult to find access to a quality education for missionary kids.

Benefits of Being a Missionary Kid

Being a missionary kid can also be an incredibly fulfilling and rewarding experience. Here are some of the benefits of being a missionary kid.

Cross-Cultural Awareness

As missionary kids become more comfortable and confident in their communities, they will gain a strong cross-cultural awareness. Learning how to understand and respect cultures different from your own is often an edifying experience for kids and adults alike.


Children are so adaptable, and missionary kids are no different. In fact, missionary kids excel at learning adaptability as they experience a unique way of life as part of a missionary family. Navigating a new culture and community provides plenty of opportunities for growing and learning.

Building Strong Faith

As a missionary family, faith plays a central role in your lives and missions work instills a sense of purpose and servant hearts in missionary kids. Missionary kids and their families will experience the benefits and rewards of serving others while also growing together as a family.

Raising Kids as a Missionary Family

Being a missionary family can be challenging and sometimes stressful, but there are so many joys to be had with raising kids as a missionary family. Focusing on the people you are serving and spreading the love of Christ can enrich your family’s lives and the lives of those around you. As missionaries aim to find a balance between ministry work and family, involving kids in ministry work can create memorable family experiences that last a lifetime. Learning to appreciate the culture and the unique experiences that come with being a missionary family can go a long way toward enhancing the overall impact you can have on the community and within your own home.

How Hope Academy International Supports Missionary Kids

Hope Academy International supports missionary kids by providing access to quality education they may not have in their local communities. Children of missionaries can experience the benefits of going to school with like-minded students and create a support system with those going through similar situations. Learn more about Hope Academy International and its goals for supporting missionary kids and their families, and find out how you can donate and get involved. 

Top Threats to the African Church and the Goals to Overcome Them

The continent of Africa has a high population of Christians, yet there are still many people groups and tribes that have yet to be reached. There is also a shortage of trained Christian leaders in many countries, and missions work aims to connect African missionaries with communities in need. Missionaries bring the gospel to people and places around the world, and one of the best ways to connect with others is through a shared cultural understanding. African missionaries hope to share God’s love, create disciples, and invest in the spiritual lives of community members. While missionaries have a solid understanding and purpose, there are also threats to the African church that present challenges facing churches and communities.

Threats to the Christian Church in Africa

Threats to the Christian church in Africa can impact the ability to effectively share the gospel, establish churches, and make disciples for future church leaders in the community. Here are some of the top threats to the African church and how to address these challenges.

Shortage of Christian Leaders

A shortage of Christian leaders means that many communities may not have pastors and leaders with strong theological understanding and spiritual maturity to guide their local church. Theological education is a crucial part of growing the African church and connecting with unreached people groups. Missions organizations can help equip leaders with the knowledge and skills to support their communities and handle various challenges facing their churches.

Lack of Theological Understanding

In areas where other religions dominate the culture, leaders and church members alike may not have as much exposure to the Bible and a strong theological understanding. Partnerships between missions organizations, theological institutions, and local community leaders can help train leaders and encourage effective evangelism and discipleship both within leaders and their congregations.

The Prosperity Gospel

Challenges to the church community can come from a variety of directions, including false teachings and misleading theology like the prosperity gospel. Churches need strong leaders who can identify these harmful messages and know how to redirect the conversation toward the truth of the gospel for believers.

Traditional Beliefs

A mixture of traditional beliefs can make their way into a community’s interpretation of Christianity and may end up challenging the theology of the church. In order for Christian leaders in Africa to grow and sustain churches and communities, they must be able to understand how to communicate effectively and have a solid cultural understanding to spread the gospel.

Goals for Missionaries in Africa

Missionaries in Africa have many goals when they bring the Word of God to various churches and communities. Here are just a few examples of goals for missionaries in Africa and how they can help the local church overcome the challenges and threats listed above.

To Make Disciples in the Community

Missionaries aim to make disciples in their local communities through sound teaching of the Bible and the person of Jesus.

To Improve Theology and Beliefs

Missionaries provide church communities and leadership with powerful theological perspectives and beliefs that encourage others to follow Christ.

To Develop Sustainable Partnerships

Missionaries partner with local Christian leaders and community members to establish local churches that will best support the communities for years to come.

To Prepare & Equip African Believers

Missionaries prepare and equip African believers for future conversations with both Christians and non-believers to share the gospel and God’s love.

Supporting Missionaries at Hope Academy International

Hope Academy International supports missionaries with quality education designed with missionary children in mind. Missionary children deserve to receive a proper education so they can gain the knowledge and skills to succeed academically and interpersonally. Quality education with Hope Academy International is designed to provide a connection point for missionary kids who are adapting to new cultures and languages while continuing to grow their faith and beliefs. Find out more about how you can get involved and support Hope Academy International when you visit us online.